1. What's the difference between the Antibacterial Sports Kit Spray and the Sportswear Refresher?

  • Antibacterial Sports Kit Spray: Kills germs and keeps your gear clean and hygienic. Ideal for boxing gloves, running trainers, and other gear that comes into contact with sweat and bacteria. It contains a subtle but fresh, floral scent. 
  • Sportswear Refresher: Refreshes and recharges your performance wear, giving it a freshly laundered smell. Ideal for gym wear that's not quite ready for a machine wash. A few sprays will make your clothing or kit smell like clean washing. 

2. When should I use the Antibacterial Kit Spray? 

For optimal hygiene, use the Antibacterial Sports Kit Spray after each workout to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and fungus from your gear. This ensures that your equipment is clean and ready for your next training session. When using the spray on boxing gloves, allow them to air dry thoroughly before placing them in your kit bag to prevent moisture buildup and potential odour. 

3. How long do the kit & equipment sprays last?

Our kit & equipment sprays typically last for 3 months. However, this may vary depending on how often you use them and the type of gear you are spraying.

4. Will your products damage my kit?

Our products are safe on all types of fabrics and materials. Damage is highly unlikely, but we always recommend testing on an inconspicuous area first, just to be sure.

5. Do you accept returns?

Yes, we accept returns for faulty items and items that you have changed your mind about. However, we cannot accept returns for used items. We do not cover the cost of return shipping unless we have agreed to do so. If in doubt, drop us a line.